MMA općenito (UFC, Strikeforce, Bellator...)

Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 31.05.2010.
Poruka: 7.714
08. siječnja 2011. u 12:51
U SAD-u naravno jebate, kaj sam minusiran odmah! XD
[uredio cayman - 08. siječnja 2011. u 13:06]
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 54.917
09. siječnja 2011. u 03:12

UFC Heavyweight Champion Cain Velasquez felt unstoppable after defeating Brock Lesnar at UFC 121 back in October, leaving him with a professional record of 9-0.
Velasquez was set to defend his title in April, however an unexpected shoulder injury forced him to be benched until at the very earliest Fall of 2011.

In the meantime the UFC may or may not introduce an interim Heavyweight Championship and if they were to do that, it’s something the current champ wouldn’t have a problem with:

“We tried to rehab it first for six weeks. Then, finally, when the six weeks was up, we did another MRI. The muscle was still torn, so they said we have to do the surgery. I definitely want to be as active as I can. It’s hard, but it’s part of the territory. People get hurt all the time. [The UFC needs] to keep the fights going. They can’t wait around half a year for fights. It doesn’t offend me at all. When I’m ready, I’ll come back and fight.” NOVI VIDEO!
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 18.12.2009.
Poruka: 521
09. siječnja 2011. u 22:50
madmax17 je napisao/la:
I ništa od borbe sa Akiyamom (isti ufc kada i Mirko-Schaub) zbog toga, koji debil svjetske klase gori je od Datsika, prvo ono sa dopingom zbog čega je zaradio suzpenziju i popušio pare i sada ovo, ajde neka se još zaleti do dućana sa sačmaricom i upuca se u nogu, kretenčina.
Vidi cijeli citat

zaboravio si reci da je druker, nagodio se lik za manju kaznu :)
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 54.917
12. siječnja 2011. u 18:50
UFC President Dana White announced today that former UFC heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar and number one contender Junior dos Santos will match wits as the coaches of season 13 of the hit Spike TV reality series.

Following the season, which begins filming later this month and begins airing on March 30, Lesnar and dos Santos will then match fists in the Octagon at a date and location to be announced in June. The winner will face current heavyweight champion Cain Velasquez, who is currently sidelined with a torn rotator cuff.

“It’s gonna be a very interesting six weeks of filming,” said White during a media teleconference Tuesday. “These two will coach, then they’ll fight, and the winner of the fight will fight Cain Velasquez when he’s healthy.”

This will be the first time either fighter has appeared on The Ultimate Fighter, which began airing on Spike in 2005. The last time heavyweights coached the show was during season eight in 2008, when dos Santos’ mentor, “Minotauro” Nogueira, faced off against former champion Frank Mir. This season, the two will coach a host of welterweight hopefuls looking to secure a UFC contract.

One of the biggest success stories of recent years, Brock Lesnar’s rise to the top of the UFC has been well-documented. A former NCAA Division I wrestling champion for the University of Minnesota, Lesnar brought size, speed, and power to the Octagon in 2008, and in only his fourth professional fight, he defeated Randy Couture for the heavyweight crown. After successful defenses against Mir and Shane Carwin, Lesnar lost his belt to Velasquez at UFC 121 last October. Determined to get his championship back, Lesnar knows the quickest way to do so is through dos Santos.

“The guy’s a former world champion, he’s beat guys and held the title,” said White of Lesnar. “No matter what his record is, what the guy has accomplished in the short amount of time that he’s been in MMA is incredible. He’s obviously got a lot that he can teach, and not only him, but the staff that he has around him have a lot to teach young, up and coming guys, and that’s what it’s really all about.”

Unheralded Brazilian prospect Junior dos Santos turned into a contender overnight in 2008 when he knocked out highly-regarded veteran Fabricio Werdum in the first round. This spectacular debut was followed by finishes of Stefan Struve, Mirko Cro Cop, Gilbert Yvel, and Gabriel Gonzaga before earning a shot at the heavyweight title with a three round win over Roy Nelson. Yet instead of choosing to wait for Velasquez to return to action, dos Santos will risk his number one contender’s spot by coaching against - and then fighting - Lesnar later this year.

“Junior dos Santos is a young, up and coming guy,” said White of dos Santos. “He’s been knocking everybody out, comes off a three round war with “Big Country” (Roy Nelson) and I love when guys do that because it’s good for them, it’s good experience, it gets them in better shape and it takes them to another level. And to put this guy on the shelf for a long time is ridiculous, and much credit to him for not wanting to go on the shelf.” NOVI VIDEO!
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.120
12. siječnja 2011. u 18:55
Nevjerojatno, nakon svega što je napravio opet je Dos Santos popušio i opet se mora boriti samo da dođe u šansu da se bori za pojas koji mu je konačno bio obećan nakon pobjede u zadnjoj borbi  i da stvar bude još gora bori se protiv lika koji je odmah dobio priliku za pojas, prije nego se uopće i dokazao, samo da se podigne gledanost.

Stvar je zajebo i Cain koji se ozljedio.
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 54.917
12. siječnja 2011. u 18:57
da...cain je tu najvise zajebao jer je meč sa dos santosom trebao biti u 6.mjesecu...a ovako da popune rupu jadni dos santos ni kriv ni duzan ce morati dobiti i lesnara NOVI VIDEO!
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 28.09.2010.
Poruka: 1.728
14. siječnja 2011. u 14:49
Dos Santos je sam tražil borbu, jer je u odličnoj formi i nije htel mjesecima čekati Caina da se vrati. Tak da nije baš "jadan" nek se ovim zapravo ide njemu na ruku. 
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 31.05.2010.
Poruka: 7.714
14. siječnja 2011. u 14:54
Ma dobro, realno gledajući, Lesnar i nema neke šanse za dobiti JDS-a, al opet, čudna je logika da poslije poraza Lesnar odmah dobiva priliku za popravak.
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 28.09.2010.
Poruka: 1.728
14. siječnja 2011. u 15:10
Ah Lesnar i Couture su zbog svoje mega popularnosti povlaštene ptice u UFC-u tak da puno toga u vezi s njima (pogotovo Lesnarom) nema smisla. Meni je drago da se JDS bori, jer je stvarno vrhunski borac i šteta bi bilo da između borbi mora imati pauzu skoro godinu dana. Isto tak ne vidim neki način, kak bi ga Lesnar mogal dobiti, tak da što se tiće JDS-ove prilike za naslov, tu nema neke velke štete.
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 31.05.2010.
Poruka: 7.714
16. siječnja 2011. u 12:08
Frankie Edgar vs. Gray Maynard III

Rastuće rivalstvo između UFC-ovih boraca Frankieja Edgara Graya Maynarda dobit će novo poglavlje u svibnju kada će se njih dvojica sučeliti po treći put.

Dana White potvrdio je borbu za UFC 130 koji će se održati 28. svibnja u Las Vegasu.

Edgar i Maynard prije dva tjedna su odradili borbu s neriješenim ishodom, u kojoj je prvak Edgar uspio nadoknaditi zaostatak iz prve runde (gubio 10-8). U njihovoj prvoj borbi u travnju 2008. Maynard je slavio sudačkom odlukom, no Edgar ga je naknadno uspio preskočiti na ljestvici i osigurati borbu s prvakom BJ Pennom na UFC-u 112 u kojoj je postao prvakom lake kategorije.

Na istoj priredbi očekuju se i borbe između Quintona Jacksona i Thiaga Silve te Franka Mira iRoya Nelsona.

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