Europske košarkaške lige

randy marsh
randy marsh
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 29.05.2011.
Poruka: 9.678
31. svibnja 2014. u 18:44
Duda zvanično u Efesu, eto prilike da Miško sa svojom ergelom izvuče milione turskih dolara
...jedna po jedna prsnu pod nogom!
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 16.01.2012.
Poruka: 1.943
31. svibnja 2014. u 18:55
malomorgen je napisao/la:
pink panther je napisao/la:
strem krka- olimpija?????
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opa, danas mi opet dela
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jebiga, zaboravil strem postavit

marinelli opet klasa za sebe
Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 16.02.2013.
Poruka: 546
31. svibnja 2014. u 19:29
Krka prvak Slovenije.
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 02.01.2012.
Poruka: 17.961
31. svibnja 2014. u 20:02
U Munchenu nakon dva produžetka,Oldenburg izvukao pobjedu
Ljepota stvorenja odražava beskonačnu ljepotu Stvoritelja (KKC, 341)
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 13.06.2011.
Poruka: 16.608
31. svibnja 2014. u 20:26
Kakav je bio Marinelli?
obećao sam adminu da ću biti dobar
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 04.12.2013.
Poruka: 5.465
31. svibnja 2014. u 22:26
Maligan82 je napisao/la:
U Munchenu nakon dva produžetka,Oldenburg izvukao pobjedu
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Meni trebao 3par i stavim Bayerna konačni pobjednik. Kakva je bila završnica? Kako su prosuli +5
rajon rondo
rajon rondo
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 17.04.2012.
Poruka: 1.175
31. svibnja 2014. u 23:01
dusko ivanovic novi trener panathinaikosa, potpisao je na 1 sezonu za 500.000 eura.
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 28.05.2005.
Poruka: 6.257
31. svibnja 2014. u 23:04
rajon rondo je napisao/la:
dusko ivanovic novi trener panathinaikosa, potpisao je na 1 sezonu za 500.000 eura.
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žali Bože ti para....
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 03.05.2014.
Poruka: 67
01. lipnja 2014. u 00:55

Tek sam danas naletio na ovo, ima li netko više detalja?
Ako je istina i ako se stvarno ide u ovome smjeru, onda su Cedevita i Cibona (ako uspije riješiti svoje "problemčiće") izabrali najbolje vrijeme da uđu u Euroligu!
Ukratko, maknuo bi se mnogima neshvatljivi sistem s licencama, liga bi se zatvorila još više, protočnost bi se stvorila izmedju Eurolegue i Eurocup (valjda bi se u njega iz domaćih liga ulazilo) gdje bi 3 najlošije ekipe na kraju svake sezone ispale iz Euroleague u Eurocup, u suprotnom bi smjeru išle tri najbolje ekipe iz Eurocup-a. Meni je osobno taj broj od samo tri ekipe premalo, ali ovo su samo nagadjanja.
Uveo bi se i relegation playoff u Euroleague, dakle svaka bi ekipa imala približno isti broj utakmica u jednoj sezoni.

"Adiós a las licencias A"

Google Translate version of Spanish article:
"The Euroleague has realized that its current design is a drag on future growth and has outlined a major transformation of its competition, which would take effect in the 2015-2016 season if approved by the assembly of the clubs next July . The big news is a new classification system, in which the A licenses (equipment square virtually fixed as Barça , Madrid and Unicaja Labor Kutxa ) and is committed as Eurocup path disappear instead of different national leagues .

The big problem with the current Euroleague is its complexity , a serious handicap both in capturing the interest of fans as the teams sponsors or other business partners of the tournament. Are hardly understandable situations like teams that have already finished champions of their domestic leagues and still do not know if it will play the next Euroleague must wait until the other leagues. Jordi Bertomeu knows and believes the time to end competition format in which once attempted to bring stability to the big clubs but is now more of a hindrance than an asset has reached the Euroleague .

The solution lies in autoclasificada league, in which system access is much easier and just. The idea is that from the 2015-2016 season national leagues qualify for the Eurocup and Euroleague Eurocup for . It would rise and fall between these two competitions in top three teams. Unlike the current system , which derives the unclassified for the Top 16 to the Eurocup , now would dispute these 8 teams in a league second phase of decline, down to the last three Eurocup . The drama competition win for step down and give a strong impetus to the Eurocup that would divide not (as now) but three spaces Euroleague.

A Farewell to licenses

This of course would mean the disappearance of existing licenses . The 13 teams next season have the almost lifetime license to enter between 24 but might after relegation if they are in the bottom three , as with the rest . However, it seems unlikely that the big clubs in Europe may suffer such skid. It is a very balanced solution as it provides stability for large projects but also guarantees nothing and gives the last word to sports scores .

Euroleague , yes, any invitation will be reserved to protect strategically important markets . So you intend to include a temporary exceptions to rules that would allow offer during the first five years, a ' wild card ' in France and Germany if these countries are left without representatives because of their sports performance in the Euroleague . In that case, would amount only the first two of the Eurocup , more friends. It is not excluded that the ' wild card ' could also be used in case of bump one of the big European teams .

"We are in the work ," say from FC Barcelona. Also shown favorable Olympiacos , whose general manager , Christos Stavropoulos , MD said yesterday that " we must find a solution to make clearer the competition fans while the league more competitive we can give stability and teams . That's the future . " The gameplay would be the same , with the novelty of the relegation playoffs , to be played simultaneously with the Top 16 . Way, all teams start the competition are guaranteed a minimum of 24 games.

What about the Spanish teams ?

The situation of the Spanish teams is special because our country could have five representatives in the upcoming Euroleague if Valencia does not reach the end of the Endesa League and the new format does not provide for any exceptions to the limit of four teams per country. Euroleague should solve that problem next year , setting what criterion is used to demote one of the five Spanish clubs ( ranking , rating Euroleague ? ... ) . Thereafter , if a Spanish team rises from the Eurocup force of Spanish descent worst ranked in the Euroleague."

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 23.04.2014.
Poruka: 911
01. lipnja 2014. u 09:06
cimbo je napisao/la:
rajon rondo je napisao/la:
dusko ivanovic novi trener panathinaikosa, potpisao je na 1 sezonu za 500.000 eura.
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žali Bože ti para....
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Bolje da su angazirali Tabaka koji ga je odlicno zamijenio na klupi Kutxe Laboral!