Ivan Rakitić

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 11.11.2006.
Poruka: 1.549
27. lipnja 2007. u 16:28
dimnjacar je napisao/la:

Duje je ispao picka kakve nema, i ne vjerujem da ce za njega ikada itko u Hrvatskoj navijati.

On nije presao na islam samo zato sto Katar nije uspio dovesti jos trojicu vrhunskih plivaca (ne sjecam se vise imena, ali trojica iz vrha svjetskog plivanja) i propala je ideja o stafeti u Pekingu.
Na kraju je ostao sam na ledini, pa se brze bolje vratio u Hrvatsku.

To treba tuci kada ili ako poljubi hrvatski grb.
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iako je ovo offtopic i ovome tu sigurno nije mjesto, dimljacar ima pravo... naš arap je vec prihvatio plivat za دولة قطر tj. za novac i kad mu je to propalo vratio se majcici hrvatskojHugu zagrljaj - gdje je uspio naci sponzore...

dimnjacar je napisao/la:
Duje je ispao picka kakve nema, i ne vjerujem da ce za njega ikada itko u Hrvatskoj navijati.
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Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 29.01.2006.
Poruka: 4.457
27. lipnja 2007. u 23:15
članak u globusu, uvodna stranica...
imam malo problema sa kvalitetom teksta na slikama, pa ako se bude moglo čitat, onda ću uploadat
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 29.01.2006.
Poruka: 4.457
27. lipnja 2007. u 23:38
neće ići, 2mpix je premalo, prepisivat mi se ne da, a skener nemam...
inače, ima tu i neki cd prilog nautika (brodovi & ribomaterijal)

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 20.12.2005.
Poruka: 24.571
28. lipnja 2007. u 15:25

28.06.2007 12:12

Matthäus: Rakitić je dijamant

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 20.03.2006.
Poruka: 22.201
28. lipnja 2007. u 19:05
28.06.2007 12:12
Matthäus: Rakitić je dijamant
Kolumnist "Sport Bilda" Lothar Matthäus nahvalio je Ivana Rakitića i Schalkeove čelnike što su ga doveli.

"Taj je mladić ponajveći talent hrvatskog i švicarskog nogometa. Pravi dijamant! Na tom transferu Schalkeu zaista čestitam", napisao je Matthäus, koji smatra da je Schalke na pravom putu da osvoji naslov prvaka i da je hrvatski reprezentativac prava zamjena za Lincolna.

Švicarci su izjavili da bi im Hrvatska trebala platiti odštetu zato što im je otela igrače u koje su ulagali, Mladena Petrića i Ivana Rakitića.

- Njih dvojica nisu isti slučaj, Mladen je bio neafirmiran kad smo ga animirali. No, sve zajedno ne bih komentirao jer to je rečeno u jednom intervjuu, a ne službeno, nikakav zahtjev nismo ni dobili. No, ionako nema ni pravnog uporišta za takav zahtjev - tvrdi glavni tajnik HNS-a Zorislav Srebrić.

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 20.12.2005.
Poruka: 24.571
28. lipnja 2007. u 19:24
Hvala Mickey, samo 4 sata kasno.

Ali nisi kriv jer ipak bi trebao vidjeti post iznad tvoj da to vidis....

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 20.12.2005.
Poruka: 24.571
01. srpnja 2007. u 12:48

Schalke just right, says Rakitic

A host of top European clubs were after his signature, but ultimately Ivan Rakitic opted for the Royal Blues. In this interview with schalke04.de, the 19-year-old Swiss with Croatian roots reveals his thoughts on his move and tells us what the first few days in Schalke have been like.

His arrival in Schalke: "The first few days of training have been very intensive. It's been very strenuous. The players have made me feel welcome and I now feel comfortable in the dressing room. I'm still living in a hotel at the moment but I'm keen to find a flat as soon as possible. I'm having a look at a few this week and plan to move in after our training camp."

Difference between Basel and Schalke: "In Switzerland you'd never get 4,000 people at the first training session, it's incredible. We usually had that many at our away matches. You can tell Schalke are a big club with a long tradition. I'd even go so far as to say that you won't get fans like this anywhere else in the world. When you look inside the VELTINS Arena, you appreciate what you've got."

Initial contact: "When I heard Schalke were interested, I wanted to sit down with the club officials straightaway. At this stage Schalke are exactly the right club for me. A couple of top European clubs were already trying to sign me two years ago, but I felt it was still too early. I wanted to become established and make a name for myself in Switzerland first. Now I'm ready for a top club."

Position on the pitch: "My favourite position is behind the strikers, but I can play on either side of midfield and also up front if need be."

Personal goals: "I want to show the boss what I'm capable of, let him know I'm there. My aim is to improve and be of use to the team. With a bit of time I'm sure I can do that. There's some healthy competition in the squad and I'm looking forward to fighting for my place."

Team goals: "We've set ourselves some lofty targets, but that's how it should be for a club like Schalke. The team finished runners-up last season and we now have to prove we can maintain this level of performance. We want to challenge at the top and still be in with a shout of winning the league at the death."

The number 10 shirt: "As a youth-team player in Basel and for Switzerland I always wore the number 10 shirt. In the senior squad last year I had the number 17. Because the 17 was already taken here I asked if it was OK if I took the number 10. They said it was and so that's the number I've got now. Your shirt number shouldn't be a burden. Obviously people will always keep a close eye on the number 10, but ultimately I play football with my feet, not my shirt number."

Comparisons with Lincoln: "I have great respect for Lincoln. He achieved a lot with Schalke and I can only hope to achieve a similar level of success. It's difficult for me to compare myself with him. From talking to the media I gather he's a sensitive kind of player. I consider myself more of a robust type of player. Two years ago my former coach Christian Gross compared me with Frank Lampard or Paul Scholes. But I find it difficult to comment on that. That's for others to judge."

His friendship with Mladen Petric of Borussia Dortmund: "I stepped up to FC Basel's senior squad when I was 17. At the time I needed someone to guide me. Mladen took the job on and we became really good friends. We keep in close contact, even now."

His decision to play for Croatia: "It wasn't an easy choice to make. I was born in Rheinfelden in Switzerland and I grew up in Möhlin. But even as a little boy I dreamed of one day pulling on a Croatia shirt. I went with my feelings in the end. The thought of playing for Croatia gave me more butterflies in my stomach, it's as simple as that. I still have lots of relatives there and I've spent most of my holidays there on the coast. But I've also had some very good conversations with national coach Slaven Bilic."

Schalke's opening fixtures: Away to Stuttgart first and then the derby against Dortmund at home: that's a very tough start. But we have to play these teams some time and we'll be ready. It's unfortunate for my friend Mladen that we play Dortmund so early. He's welcome to come, but he'll be sent straight back home again empty-handed..."

His goals: "I don't know if it's just a coincidence, but last season I was often in the right place at the right time. My very first league goal was voted goal of the season. It was a long-range volley, one of my specialities."

Champions League: "We don't intend to be easy meat this season. Our aim is to get through the group stage. There aren't really any teams I desperately want to get, but to play against Barcelona would be a dream come true."

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 20.12.2005.
Poruka: 24.571
01. srpnja 2007. u 12:52
Izvedeno, ali da niste promasili:

His decision to play for Croatia: "It wasn't an easy choice to make. I was born in Rheinfelden in Switzerland and I grew up in Möhlin. But even as a little boy I dreamed of one day pulling on a Croatia shirt. I went with my feelings in the end. The thought of playing for Croatia gave me more butterflies in my stomach, it's as simple as that. I still have lots of relatives there and I've spent most of my holidays there on the coast. But I've also had some very good conversations with national coach Slaven Bilic."

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 20.03.2006.
Poruka: 22.201
01. srpnja 2007. u 13:18
Lynx17 je napisao/la:
Hvala Mickey, samo 4 sata kasno.

Ali nisi kriv jer ipak bi trebao vidjeti post iznad tvoj da to vidis....

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pa postaj sve, lynx, nije ti valjda toliko stalo da vl ima vise hitova na stranici? Smile
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 20.12.2005.
Poruka: 24.571
01. srpnja 2007. u 15:19
Mickey je napisao/la:
Lynx17 je napisao/la:
Hvala Mickey, samo 4 sata kasno.

Ali nisi kriv jer ipak bi trebao vidjeti post iznad tvoj da to vidis....

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pa postaj sve, lynx, nije ti valjda toliko stalo da vl ima vise hitova na stranici? Smile
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A kako ti znas da ja ne zaradujem 50 lipa za svaki hit?  A? 

Medutim, ja samo radim pod pravilima forume, u razliku od tebe...


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