Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 18.04.2006.
Poruka: 32.357
01. prosinca 2006. u 20:35
Kauboj je napisao/la:
Čuo sam neka pitanja iz tog testa jučer na radiju.  Bogme, ako ikad dođe do toga, bit će ątrebanja... znao sam jedno 20% odgovorit.

©to je naravno 400% viąe od onog ąto znaju ovorođeni fakultetski obrazovani drľavljani...
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Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 29.05.2004.
Poruka: 9.189
02. prosinca 2006. u 07:35
d¾on vejn je napisao/la:

 inaèe, vjerujem da djeca u hr o datumima amerièke povijesti uèe u ¹koli bar 80% kolko i mladi amerikanci....


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i to im kasnije koristi mnogo u zivotu. Bez zajebancije, ucio sam i ja sve to a znas koliko se od toga sjecam.  Apsolutno nista.

“Kam hit this tight end SO HARD, I swear I saw that TE’s soul leave Qwest Field right on that 35 yard line.”
Pristupio: 10.11.2003.
Poruka: 89.029
02. prosinca 2006. u 07:42

Kauboj je napisao/la:

©to je naravno 400% viąe od onog ąto znaju ovorođeni fakultetski obrazovani drľavljani...
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pa kako sad to,a non stop govoriš kako ljudi pretjeruju kad općenito govore o "inteligenciji" Amerikanaca,osim ako ti nisi daleko najpametniji stanovnik ove kuglice

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Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 17.08.2004.
Poruka: 55.231
02. prosinca 2006. u 16:56

ja sam uzeo onaj stari test za drzavljanstvo i mogu vam reci da je to sve zayebancija.

kao prvo ima jedno 86 pitanja i mogu te pitati bilo kojih 6-10 od tih 86. kad jednom tih 86 procitas, odma ih znas sve osim kad treba nabrojat 13 originalnih kolonija...e to sam trebao procitat 3 puta i to je bilo to.

slazem se da taj test treba malo poostriti jer je stvarno sprdnja. ali dobro, meni sprdnja koji sam tu isao u srednju u sve to, a onom jadniku iz meksika/kine/indije koji jedva da prica jezik je to ko popet se na mt. everest.

Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 29.05.2004.
Poruka: 9.189
09. prosinca 2006. u 06:00

 Indijanci se vracaju (pogledaju zadnji dio texta)


MIAMI — The Seminole Tribe of Florida said Thursday it was buying the famed Hard Rock business, including its casinos, restaurants, hotels and huge collection of rock 'n' roll memorabilia, in a groundbreaking $965 million deal with a British company.

The deal with London-based Rank Group is believed to be an American Indian tribe's first purchase of a major international corporation, the Seminoles said. It includes 124 Hard Rock Cafes, four Hard Rock Hotels, two Hard Rock Casino Hotels, two Hard Rock Live! concert venues and stakes in three unbranded hotels.

The Seminoles were the first U.S. tribe to get into the gambling business, in 1979. More recently, they partnered with Hard Rock in successful hotel, gambling and entertainment complexes in Tampa and Hollywood, Fla. They now have the ability to expand their gaming interests nationally by partnering with a well-known brand, experts said.

The tribe also will acquire what is said to be the world's largest collection of rock memorabilia, about 70,000 pieces, including Jimi Hendrix's Flying V guitar, one of Madonna's bustiers, a pair of Elton John's high-heeled shoes and guitars formerly owned by Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton and Chuck Berry.

The deal does not include Hard Rock's Las Vegas casino, however, which is owned by Morgans Hotel Group.

At a Thursday news conference in New York that began with a blessing from a tribal representative, tribe Vice Chairman Max Osceola compared the sale to when American Indians sold Manhattan to the Dutch for "trinkets."

"We're going to buy Manhattan back one hamburger at a time," Osceola said.

“Kam hit this tight end SO HARD, I swear I saw that TE’s soul leave Qwest Field right on that 35 yard line.”
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 16.06.2003.
Poruka: 18.025
09. prosinca 2006. u 06:35
 Indijanci kupili Hard Rock Cafe za 965 miliJona!?!?!?
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 29.05.2004.
Poruka: 9.189
09. prosinca 2006. u 07:39

NYC je napisao/la:
 Indijanci kupili Hard Rock Cafe za 965 miliJona!?!?!?
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Seminoles su malo drukciji.  Njihov poglavica se voza u gulfstreamovom avion ($15M) i zgrcu brdo para kroz kockarnice koje su izgradjene na njihovoj teritoriji.  Evo ti sta kaze o njima na wikipedia:

When South Florida tourism boomed in the 1920's, Seminoles capitalized by wrestling alligators for money. In 1979, the Seminoles opened the first casino on Indian land, ushering in what has become a multibillion-dollar industry operated by numerous tribes nationwide." [4] In more recent years, the Miccosukee Tribe has sustained itself by owning and operating a casino, resort, a golf club, several museum attractions, and the "Indian Village". At the "Indian Village", Seminoles demonstrate traditional pre-Columbian lifestyles to educate people of their culture. The use of "Seminole" as a namesake is common in Florida, with one county named after them, Seminole County, Florida, and another named after Seminole leader Osceola, Osceola County, Florida. There is also a city named for them in Pinellas County, FL - Seminole, Florida.

Florida State University connection

The image and name of the Seminole chief, Osceola, serves as a symbol for Florida State University and several high school athletic programs in the state, use the nickname, "Seminoles" as well.

According to The New York Times article "Florida State Can Keep Its Seminoles", [5] the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) prohibition of Native American logos, signs in stadiums, cheerleader and band uniforms, and mascots as presumed "hostile and abusive" did not apply to FSU and the Seminoles, and would be considered on a case by case basis elsewhere. FSU was exempt as both the 3,100-member Seminole Tribe of Florida and the 6,000-member Seminole Nation of Oklahoma officially approved the relationship and the details of the images used. The article states: "The Seminoles are the only American Indian tribe never to sign a formal peace treaty with the United States. To celebrate this status, Florida State erected Unconquered, a statue of the Chief Osceola mascot, outside its football stadium.

“Kam hit this tight end SO HARD, I swear I saw that TE’s soul leave Qwest Field right on that 35 yard line.”
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 30.12.2003.
Poruka: 22.210
09. prosinca 2006. u 08:10

Seattle je napisao/la:
"The Seminoles are the only American Indian tribe never to sign a formal peace treaty with the United States. To celebrate this status, Florida State erected Unconquered, a statue of the Chief Osceola mascot, outside its football stadium.
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Da, da... Seminoles su jedino Indijansko pleme koje se nikad predalo bijelcima... ili ko što ovi tako elokventno kažu, "nisu potpisali mirovni sporazum sa vladom SAD"

I am going to space, and when I come back I have to pick up poodle crap.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 02.11.2006.
Poruka: 1.798
14. prosinca 2006. u 20:34
 trenutno najveće zlo na kugli zemaljskoj,pričaju nam o demokraciji a oni su prvi kršili ljudska prava sa indijancima,crncima itd.Na tim crncima počiva danjašnja amerika jer nezamisliv je njihov sport i glazba bez crnaca.Židovi vladaju državom,oni ratuju di stignu,sad kradu naftu u iraku pa nije čudo da im se ono dogodilo,a mislin da su zaslužili i više
Pristupio: 10.11.2003.
Poruka: 89.029
14. prosinca 2006. u 20:36
 e si ko žuti,dok ti dojdu Kauboj i Mile!
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