Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 11.04.2013.
Poruka: 11.462
17. svibnja 2022. u 16:50

Inside or outside of a vacuum, Cain Velasquez — the UFC’s former two-time heavyweight champion — should be behind bars. You can’t go around shooting at someone, even if you think they molested your 4-year-old relative.  ‌  Still, it’s worth asking: Why is Velasquez behind bars after being denied bail yet again Monday, while the alleged child molester remains free without so much as posting $1?  ‌  Here’s the catch-up: Back on Feb. 23, a 4-year-old child at a San Jose (California) day care alleged that a 40-year-old man named Harry Goularte (who lived at the day care run by his mother) took the child into a bathroom “100 times” and touched the child’s genitals. The child, a relative of Velasquez, said Goularte took other children into the bathroom, too.  ‌

After conducting interviews, police determined a sexual assault had occurred and Goularte was taken into custody. Two days later, Goularte was arraigned on a felony count of “a lewd and lascivious act with a child under the age of 14.” The judge, despite objections from the district attorney, released Goularte without bond.  ‌  This is where Velasquez comes in. Incensed by something — Goularte’s actions, the judge releasing him without bail, both? — Velasquez decided to take matters into his own hands, following Goularte from his house, allegedly firing a gun at his moving car and ramming into it. None of the shots Velasquez allegedly fired hit Goularte, but they did hit his stepfather in the arm.  ‌ 

Velasquez faces 10 assault and weapons charges, punishable by more than 20 years in jail. Monday he was in court for a second time as his attorney tried to sway Judge Shelyna Brown to free him on $1 million bail. And for a second time, Brown said no.  ‌ 

“This is why people are disgusted — and rightfully so — with the criminal justice system," famed attorney Mark Geragos, who is representing Velasquez, said.  ‌ 

To continue the point, Geragos is effectively arguing that Velasquez would not have felt a need to take justice into his own hands had the justice system done its job and kept Goularte behind bars.  ‌  The case pits the rule of law vs. the spirit of the law. Many in the MMA community have rallied around Velasquez using the hashtag #freecain on t-shirts and social media.

 “[The] court,” Judge Brown said, “is not ruled by community opinion at all. … It is ruled by the law.” 

‌ Velasquez has a plea hearing set for June 10.


Zapadne vrijednosti kojima stremimo 😁

[uredio zwizdan007 - 17. svibnja 2022. u 16:52]
#JeSuisML10 #DoćuJaGori // Prgava Familija ˃ HNS famiGLia // Dalmacija kuća od tri brata: Vlaha, Duje i Donata❤️💙
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 23.07.2009.
Poruka: 32.512
17. svibnja 2022. u 18:01

Free Cain!

Facts don't care about your feelings!
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 12.06.2022.
Poruka: 3.680
13. srpnja 2022. u 20:38

john bolton je jucer u intervjuu za jakea tappera sa cnn-a relativno lezerno, rekao bih iz nehaja pricajuci ustvari o trumpu i january 6th riots, rekao da je pomogao planirati drzavne udare u drugim zemljama 

''as somebody who has helped plan coup d'etat, not here but other places...'' 

zasto je ovo znacajno?

barem koliko je meni poznato ovo je prvo americko otvoreno priznanje organiziranja drzavnih udara i svrgavanja stranih vlada.

kazem americko jer zaista nije stiglo od nekog trecerazrednog cinovnika koji je radio u nekom tamo uredu pa bi sad htio prodati bestseller. john bolton je bio URED. vjerujem da ne postoji osoba koja je drzala toliko relevantnih funkcija u americkoj vladi u posljednjih 40 godina, bez zajebancije covjek ima duzi bio na wikipediji od lebrona. od vanjskih poslova reko tajne sluzbe, od ambasadora pri UN-u do glavnog sefa NSA-a...

ovo pisem jer sam sasvim slucajno naletio na twitteru preko nekih kriptokomunista koje pratim 😁 jer u stranim medijima iako sad vidim da je bila vijest - nije bila udarna vijest, sto ce reci posljedicno u nasim medijima nije ni bila vijest.

tko je john bolton?  


Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 01.05.2005.
Poruka: 6.458
14. srpnja 2022. u 18:16



jel nacista neko ko latino američke osobe tacosima zove ili to za first lady ne vrijedi,,,?????


Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 23.07.2009.
Poruka: 32.512
30. srpnja 2022. u 16:33

Najbolja je ova sto je rekla da su se u Americkom gradanskom ratu borili nacisti protiv Njemaca 


Facts don't care about your feelings!
Pristupio: 10.11.2003.
Poruka: 89.029
30. srpnja 2022. u 16:39

danchy je napisao/la:

Najbolja je ova sto je rekla da su se u Americkom gradanskom ratu borili nacisti protiv Njemaca 


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svaka cast, tu sam stal kad je pocela one kardasijane nabrajat

Domovine sin
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 23.07.2009.
Poruka: 32.512
30. srpnja 2022. u 16:45

Cura ocito zna samo bitne stvari...

Facts don't care about your feelings!
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 12.06.2022.
Poruka: 3.680
30. srpnja 2022. u 16:51

Autor videa želi reći da su američki gen-z neobrazovaniji i nepismeniji od milenijalaca, gen-xeva ili baby boomera aha kako da ne. kao da već ne postoji stotine takvih videa na youtubeu počevši još kasnih 80ih,pa 90ih jay leno je imao segment svake subote gdje se sprdao sa općom kulturom prosječnog amerikanca. 

Problem je sustavan, univerzalan i međugeneracijski i tiče se njihovog obrazovnog sustava. Kad imaš naciju koja ne zna ništa iz svjetske povijesti, ne zna što je afrika a kamoli gdje je onda npr i nije neki problem uvjeriti istu takvu naciju da neki brđani naoružani kalašnjikovima 20,000km od najbliže granice u zemlji koju ne znaju izgovoriti predstavljaju prijetnju za njihov 'način života' pa treba potrišiti par trilijuna dolara bombardirajući ih idućih 20g.

Pristupio: 28.08.2011.
Poruka: 22.334
30. srpnja 2022. u 17:03

Najbolji je jedan od prvih komentara:


“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”



Kad pitaju sto je srcu milo...sviraj ono ja te volim Slavonijo...
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.120
30. srpnja 2022. u 20:55

basketas je napisao/la:

Najbolji je jedan od prvih komentara:


“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”



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To je rekao George Carlin kralj.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"
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