Tenis trivia

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.120
03. studenog 2007. u 11:05
Znači igraće se na travi LOL Šuker je izlazio sa Ivom Majoli valjda je nešto i naučio, iako lako moguće da nije Majoli je samo-priznata nimfomanka.
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 14.12.2004.
Poruka: 8.163
03. studenog 2007. u 12:17
Evo vraca nam se i Silvija Talaja...


Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 30.07.2006.
Poruka: 11.538
04. studenog 2007. u 18:46
Goran Ivanisevic - The Best Of
Haiku pjesnik je smijesan do bola
Triba vratit Štimca!!!
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 05.06.2006.
Poruka: 2.683
06. studenog 2007. u 10:00

Nastupom u drugom kolu u Parizu Mario Ančić okončao je svoju sedmu sezonu na Touru. Godinu koju nikako neće i ne može pamtiti po dobrom. U nju je ušao kao deveti tenisač svijeta, a završio je na 82. poziciji, što je čak i začuđujuće s obzirom na iznimno malo odigranih turnira.

Mjeseci agonije
- Iza mene je deset mjeseci agonije, mjeseci u kojima sam strahovao za nastavak karijere. U ovu sam godinu ušao kao član svjetskog TOP-a 10, bio u naponu snage, a onda je došla mononukleoza, a nakon nje i ozljeda ramena uoči US Opena. No, hvala Bogu, uspio sam se vratiti na kraju sezone, pobijedio sam nekoliko odličnih igrača.

Posebno sam sretan nastupom na turniru Masters serije u Madridu  koji je praktički najjači dvoranski turnir, a gdje sam se probio među osmoricu najboljih. Nakon svega što mi se događalo, prezadovoljan sam - kaže Mario, koji je ipak još osjećao posljedice bolesti.

Nakon nekoliko mečeva u nizu u Madridu, u St. Peterburgu sam se u meču s Južnjim osjećao izrazito loše, imao sam mučninu i vrtoglavicu. Očito organizmu treba još vremena za oporavak. Situacija će, uvjeravaju me i liječnici, s vremenom biti sve  bolja - objašnjava 23-godišnji Splićanin, koji već sljedeći tjedan počinje s pripremama za novu sezonu.

 - Prvi dio priprema, onaj za stjecanje kondicije, obavit ću na Rogli, kamo idem sljedeći tjedan i gdje ću ostati gotovo do kraja mjeseca. Zatim, kao i prijašnjih godina, idem u Monte Carlo gdje ću imati dobre partnere za trening. Bit će ondje i Ivan, Šveđani Bjorkman i Johansson, Đoković...

Prvo u Aucklandu
- Prvi nastup u 2008. godini imat ću u Adelaidi, a uoči prvog Grand Slama sezone u Melbourneu planiram igrati i na turniru u Aucklandu. Najvažniji će mi biti početak sezone, on može odrediti mnogo toga. Želim ga dočekati potpuno spreman - najavljuje Mario.

Očekivanja od 20 08.?
Cilj je jasan - povratak tamo gdje sam bio prije bolesti, dakle u TOP 10. Put će biti težak, moram sve ispočetka, no već sam pokazao klasu. Pun sam samopouzdanja i siguran da pripadam društvu najboljih. Samo da me posluži zdravlje.
Ko vidi Nindžino lice i priča o tome, umreće u najstrašnijim mukama!
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.120
09. studenog 2007. u 16:29

Federer želi igrati do 35. rođendana

ŠANGAJ - Dane do početka Masters Cupa sudionici ispunjavaju na različite načine. Roger Federer je promovirao vibrirajući brijaći aparat pa je okupljenim mladim Kinezima pokazivao kako ga ispravno treba koristiti. Usput je odgovorio i na nekoliko zanimljivih pitanja.

- Želim još dugo nastupati. Definitivno bih želio igrati do 35. godine, jer se osjećam spreman i zdrav - rekao je Švicarac, usput dijeleći savjete Kinezima kako se treba brijati.

Kad je na izbor dobio glumačka imena za biografski film, u konkurenciji Brada Pitta, Johnnyja Deppa, Matta Damona, pa čak i Denzela Washingtona te Jet Leeja (!), Federer je izabrao partnera Angeline Jolie.

- Brad Pitt je glumio u nekim opakim filmovima, a želio bih da takav bude i o meni. Nemam ništa ni protiv komedije, ali sam više tip za žestoke filmove - priznao je Federer. (gg)

Jadni ostali tenisači Stern%20Smile iako mislim da će mu dosaditi prije toga.

[uredio madmax17 - 09. studenog 2007. u 16:30]
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 14.03.2006.
Poruka: 34.766
24. studenog 2007. u 13:43
Pazite sad ovo ko zauzima No.1 LOLLOL

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 11.11.2006.
Poruka: 1.471
24. studenog 2007. u 17:09
nikita je napisao/la:
Pazite sad ovo ko zauzima No.1 LOLLOL

Vidi cijeli citat
A izgleda onda da su tu stranicu najviše posjećivali naši susjedi, kad je ta trojka na prva tri mjesta. LOL
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 11.11.2006.
Poruka: 1.471
24. studenog 2007. u 20:28

Rafa iskreno o svemu, a najviše o svojim ozljedama. Tek je sad  ispričao koje je sve probleme imao.

 Nadal hurtin' the last two years?

 "I never (talked about my injuries) because it sounds like an excuse. I don't like talking about injuries. I train physically every day, but I cannot run. Now, in the off-season, I will try. Since my foot problem in 2005, I've been really careful to avoid running. It has been noticed. I have to take stock of my physical situation every time I play, and it has cost me, because I don't have a base.

I swim, row, cycle, do the elliptical trainer. But it's not the same thing. it doesn't give you the same confidence. It's hard.

Q: Is that why you can no longer counterattack on the run, what you're famous for?

I always hit a very high, deep ball. Unconsiously, my game adapted itself to those problems. Now, I don't do it as aggressively, but with shorter steps, trying not to force so much. Sometimes it is an obstacle. You say to yourself, "What a shame. If only I could be as healthy as I was in 2005, with the better tennis I'm playing today."


Nada said he kept it together during the Wimbledon awards ceremony, so as not to act like a child, But once in the locker room, he cried, out of anger, and sadness - normal after losing such a close match to the No. 1 player, after having so many opportunities. Probably about 20-25 minutes. People came to comfort me, but I told htem I prefered to be alone. I didn't want them to see me cry.

A question about Uncle Toni offering to stop being his coach was answered this way.

"This year, when things weren't going well, he said it. I said no, that wasn't the problem. Tony is and will always be my coach. 

Q: What did he learn?

To have a little patience. I have more experience. That's important when things aren't going that well. When things are bad, I get nervous, but I know that logically, I'll start to play well again. If it's not tomorrow, it'll be in two weeks, a month, three or five. You don't go from the top to down here. I hadn't won in eight months and I was worried. But when I won Indian Wells, I started playing at a high level. Sometimes all you need is a little "click." 

 Q: What has he changed in his game?

On the clay, I have changed my style a little, always with the base of fighting hard and being very intense. Now I can slice the ball, serve and volley with  more success. I have also improved my serve. I needed a little more speed, and the confidence that those extra 10-12 km/hour give me.

Q: You also have to be a little more aggressive?

I often forget. it's something I have to work on because it's not easy for me. Until I hot bottom, until I see that I'm playing too much defence, I don't realize that I have to be more aggressive.  


Q: You're asked about doping more than anyone?

I don't feel more persecuted, but a little mistreated. A lot of things seem ridiculous to me. When I finished the match with Ferrer, I was there until midnight because I couldn't pee. I ate on the floor.

 Q: A positive test is a four-year suspension now.


"Frenadol, Vick Vaporub, it's all doping. We have to be conscious of even the smallest thing being doping. I don't know if Martina Hingis took cocaine. Do you think it can help her? For me, nothing. Neverthless, my image is being destoyed. Drugs disgust me, but there are things that cannot be known. The players have to be in solidarity and when there is a problem, to protest. We need unity. I go away all of December and I must account every day for where I'm going to be. It's ridiculous. You say to yourself, "Who am I that they treat me like a delinquent?"

 Q: Why does it seem as though Federer is injured less?

"Because of the schedule and because he plays in a way that makes it more difficult to get injured. Smaller moves. Federer was born with impressive (physical condition) but I'm sure I could have it too, but with a lot more work. I don't believe that I get injured more than others. I think that the smallest problem becomes a big deal. This year, the only tournament I missed was Marseille.

Q: Were you injured in the French Open Final?

I played Roland Garros with my foot numb, injected with anasthetic. I didn't want to go to the hospital, because I didn't want to have any small doubts in my mind. I knew it was nothing serious. It hurt. I went to the hospital after the final and had a small contusion.

Q: In 2005, you were affected greatly by the foot injury. This year you missed more than a month because of the knees. Did it affect you to the same extent?

They were different.  I knew what I had. I played because it was the U.S. Open, but mentally I wasn't fresh. I wasn't seeing clearly. I felt terrible. I had tests in Majorca and everything came out badly: the "defenses", iron. The doctor said to rest for a week and I went to Ibiza. It was one of the best weeks of my life.

Q: What did you think when Federer lost against (Fernando) Gonzalez?

That it was a miracle.

Q: It is a problem that the clay-court season is so condensed?

It's a big disadvantage. I spend two month playing a thousand games with the pressure o me to win. Federer is different; he goes many weeks without playing. For me, without the clay-court points, I would not be in Shanghai. I had a very good clay-court season, but if something happens to me during that period, I'll have trouble all year.

Q: Did you feel burned out?

In Hamburg, I was a little overcome. I had a moment where my head exploded, mainly against Federer. It was four or five weeks playing in the final every week, with very tough matches and a lot of pressure. Every day, all day, thinking about the same thing. There comes a moment when you get tired.

[uredio wwww - 24. studenog 2007. u 20:40]
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 26.03.2007.
Poruka: 954
25. studenog 2007. u 09:17
Dokle mozhe ici opterecenost nekim teniserom  ? :) Ovo  je previse  i  za teenagere od 15 god  tetke mi .....
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 11.11.2006.
Poruka: 1.471
25. studenog 2007. u 13:36
Pedja-Bg je napisao/la:
Dokle mozhe ici opterecenost nekim teniserom  ? :) Ovo  je previse  i  za teenagere od 15 god  tetke mi .....
Vidi cijeli citat
Ne, nisam s nikim opterećena, ovo je sve za mene zabava kad nemam što pametnije raditi .Volim  tenis i najdraži mi je tenisač Rafa pa je i logično da ću prvo staviti ono na što naiđem o njemu, a ne o drugima jer mi se sve to i ne da baš tražiti.Smile